I see the whale, and the waves keep coming. DAMN THIS PEG-LEG!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

so be adrenaline

biking is huge around here, but i am too scared to do it. the bike lanes share road space with actual traffic, and since i've lived here there have been quite a few bike deaths. by that i mean people on bikes getting run over or hit by people in cars.

i went to fax something from the UPS store, and on my way in there was a car/bike collision on the strip malls' street. everyone was okay, but the biker went around to the driver to bitch him out and the driver jumped out of his car and started punching the biker. almost right away some guys working at Radio Shack ran out and broke up the "one-way" fight. also almost immediately the cops were called.

what i don't understand is the hostility from the driver of the car. the dude is driving a one and a half ton piece of metal vs. maybe 250 lbs of man and bike. in a setting that is so (for lack of a better word) "granola", and people hiking, walking, kayaking, biking, why are there so many accidents?

unscripted fighting makes my blood pressure rise, so i think i will sit back and watch "Sin City". and get tickets to the local semi-pro hockey team.

24 Days


Herr Vogler said...

Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering!!!

the warrior bard said...

I can feel the anger swelling within you. It gives you focus, makes you strong!!