I see the whale, and the waves keep coming. DAMN THIS PEG-LEG!

Friday, August 18, 2006

a celebration...

the weekend is here and my wife and i will celebrate our 3rd wedding anniversary. (it was actually wednesday, but we're celebrating it this weekend.)

we only have about 7 episodes left to watch in the second season of lost...good stuff.

so funny story about school. i was supposed to start in French on the 7th and when i went to campus to get books, etc... my friends and i figured out that the section i was enrolled in was 103, completely bypassing 101/102. why the registrar let me in without prerequisites i'll never know.

so i thought i'd fill my freetime with a student job...here i come to find out that PSU doesn't award federal work study to students going for their second bachelor's. nice...real nice.

so i guess i'll write some music...oh wait...i have a little bit of writers block. excellent.

so i spend my days plunking around the piano, brushing up on theory for the placement test, and waiting for some 1 In 9 material.

i suppose i could get a "real" part-time job...but where's the challenge in that?

congrats to Mike S. on getting a job in his field right after graduation!

how is everyone else out there doing?

i'm not mad...just a little bored. i can't wait for school to start!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where's the mooning picture?!!?