I see the whale, and the waves keep coming. DAMN THIS PEG-LEG!

Friday, January 06, 2006

the good, the bad, and the fugly

This is Michael lining up the shot, his producer Kak behind him assissting, and a dude holding a boom mic (i'm glad i don't have to do credits.)

more pictures to come soon, but i'm too lazy right now!


the warrior bard said...

You know, just yesterday I saw the score to Firefly and wondered if it was worth purchasing. A friend of mine introduced me to the music of Battlestar Galactica, and even though I've never seen the series, it is one of my new favorite CDs. But I didn't want to go out and buy Firefly just because I liked the music to one sci-fi show I've never seen. So... in a Monty Python voice... "what's it like?"

the warrior bard said...

Oops! I meant to post this comment to the entry after this one. It just doesn't make any sense here.