I see the whale, and the waves keep coming. DAMN THIS PEG-LEG!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

excitement abounds here in the Reimer household

so a few of you might be asking, "what the shit does Reed have to be so excited about?" well let me tell you...SCHOOL.

here's where the eyebrows raise and you say, "school. why would anyone in their right mind be excited to go to school?"
to which i would respond, "who ever said i was in my right mind?"

anyway, i am really excited. very, very excited. i got a couple of my textbooks in the mail (saved almost 100 dollars) and perused them a little. also in the mail i received a letter from the PSU music dept. i wondered what it could be because i had already received my acceptance to the dept. and a letter saying that i wouldn't be awarded any scholarships at that time.
upon opening it read that i had been awarded a scholarship to pay for a portion of my tuition. SWEET-ASS!!!! talk about your unexpected surprises. now all i have to do is maintain some kind of GPA and attend class. okay, i guess i can do those things.

my class load will be pretty normal (i hope) for any freshman. i am taking:

Music Theory I (refresher)
Ear Training and Sight Singing I (refresher)
Class Piano (possibly the most difficult class for me that i am taking)
Music Composition I
University Choir
World Music - Asia, the middle east, and Africa (300 level course, very interesting)
Voice Lessons
Music Attendance (i have to go to so many concerts every quarter)

it all boils down to 15 credits and a lot of stuff that hopefully will jar my memory so that i can set the curve and be that one student all the other students want to copy off of, or at least study with.

of course one thing i can look forward to is having the nickname "gramps" or something along those lines. i looked at the myspace profiles of the other students signed up for theory and they are all almost 18 year olds. i'm only 25, but that will be a little strange at first. i'm just glad that i have the "freshman experience" out of the way so i can put my full concentration to studies, where it belongs! i have a lot of catching up to do.

anyways, other than that, not too much new stuff on my end. my mother-in-law is visiting and at this moment baking a bunch of monster cookies!

yay for music!!!!


amelia said...

that sounds fantastic. and congratulations on the scholarship!!

Anonymous said...

do i get some of those cookies sent to me?

Herr Vogler said...

Adventure! Excitement! A Jedi craves not these things.

the warrior bard said...

Welcome to the fold, I guess. Us old fossils gotta stick together.

Herr Vogler said...

Just so you know, some of us actually enjoy(ed) being in school!

Mikey the Pikey said...


Herr Vogler said...

Has the first week of school been overwhelming?

Are you already up to your eyeballs in theory homework and practicing for class piano?