I see the whale, and the waves keep coming. DAMN THIS PEG-LEG!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

comfort eating helps to keep me comfortable

alright, the first week of school is 4/5ths complete and there have been some minor...major changes. ha, punny.

if you all remember what i had for a class schedule in my last post (okay, sorry, that link was really unnecessary (i'm not sorry)) it has changed a little bit.

originally i was going to be in the amateur university choir, but after auditioning for the choral director was asked to be in the top choir. SWEET. i hadn't hoped for that because i was going to commit more time to composition, but the prof wouldn't let me be in the class on account of unpreparedness and pre-requisites. honestly, i would rather be in the "elite" choir and have a good performance base.
so because of the new choir situation i had to drop world music and find another class to take it's place of 4 credits. so i found "music for film". it seems that this choice is a little more up my alley anyway.

i wonder if my higher power is trying to push me somewhere?

so far during this first week there have been some different emotions. of course there was the "overwhelmed" emotion. then there was the "how do i take notes, and study again?" emotion. at one point i felt the "i feel like a leech and am not contributing to society" emotion, which was directly followed with "holy hell, i'm actually doing music again. life kicks ass and i wouldn't not want to do this for anything else, even if i leave school heavily in debt and killing myself with what i will eventually do for a paycheck (hopefully)" emotion.

slowly i am getting back into the swing of things and remembering some of the theory and technique. my biggest and best surprise of the week would have to be being asked to join the advanced choir. and my biggest letdown would be...nothing...yet.

also, i won't have to worry about being the "old guy" in class, because on the first day i saw a man who was probably in his late 60's. and yesterday a lady, in what i would bet is her early 70's (paper thin skin and all), sat next to me. i asked if she was full-time or part-time, and she said she was auditing to brush up on her theory, that she was a teacher. i asked her not to set the curve.

well, i better go and practice my pentatonic scales and do some enharmonic spellings.

i hope you all have as good a day as i'm having!


Ian D. said...

"elite" that has a nice ring to it. nice work!

Mikey the Pikey said...

If ever there was a picture in need of a caption contest...I think this one is it!

By the way, nice to see someone's having a good time...


word veri: svncuxr

Reed said...

so what would the caption be?

mine would be, "did you see that? i drank that whole 2 litre of mountain dew in 10 seconds."

Mikey the Pikey said...

I don't know, we'll all submit one and you pick your favorite. The winner can receive a months supply of government cheese or something!

Herr Vogler said...

caption for the picture:

"You're what, dear!?!?"

the warrior bard said...

How about this one:

"Whoa... why does the camera man have a raging boner?!"

Mikey the Pikey said...

Or maybe:

"Hey, why's that large, hairy, naked man pointing that thing at me? No not the camera, the other thing!"