I see the whale, and the waves keep coming. DAMN THIS PEG-LEG!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

martin luther is being punched in the kidneys

here is a scary thought.

for those of you who know "pat the liar"...he says on his myspace account that he is attending Luther Seminary to become and army chaplain.

i hate his lies...and his ass-face.

i wonder if he got his pilots license yet.

here's a little anecdote for those of you who don't know him.

at the time of 9/11 he was one of my roommates. when i got home he was putting on his fatigues to go and "be on alert." the next day i talked to someone i knew for a fact to be in the national guard and asked him what they were doing. he said that their commander told them not to wear their battle dress uniforms on account that it made them a target.

i hate liars...and their ass-faces.


the warrior bard said...

I don't know what you're talking about... but ass-faces are not good.

Anonymous said...

what is his myspace page? i'd like to see what the marine sgt., i mean army staff sgt. (you'd think he could have stuck with one lie) is up to...