I see the whale, and the waves keep coming. DAMN THIS PEG-LEG!

Sunday, December 18, 2005

clooney and penguins

my wife and i went to Syriana yesterday and i walked out of the theatre with confused appreciation. for me the storyline was difficult to follow, maybe because the seperate lives didn't come together until near the end. however, the difficulty for me to follow the storylines helped me solidify my interpretation of the story itself, which, i think, is that there are so many different undercurrents in how people and countries function surrounding one significant aspect of their economy. great movie. i absolutely loved how it was put together even though my thick skull had to really concentrate.

my mother and father in law gave me March of the Penguins for Christmas and i really loved it! i never would have guessed how many facets there are in the penguins life and birth. so now one of my main forms of transportation is belly sliding.

also for Christmas from my sister-in-law, i recieved the Scores for Spiderman and Corpse Bride. i haven't listened to Spiderman yet because i am obsessed with Corpse Bride. his scoring is so good for that movie, carrying the theme throughout and reallly brigning it to life for me within the orchestra. i really like Danny Elfman and his concepts for films. i want to hear his work Serenada Schizophrana.

i have been watching a lot of commentaries including LOTR. they have four commentaries per film including director/writers, design crew, production/post-production, and cast. i have completed all but the design crew. Howard Shore is one of the commentators on prod./post-prod, and he speaks a little about the inspirations and instruments he used. overall the cast is probably the most fun because of Billy Boyd, Dominic Monaghan, and Andy Serkis.

in 5 days i am flying back to North Dakota and am very excited to see my family and visit the set of 1 In 9 with my case of 20 oz. sodas...fun shall be had by all!

so if i don't post again for awhile, Merry Christmas and Happy new year to all of my friends (including fellow bloggers) and family. hopefully if everything works out i can post on what its like to be a fly on the wall during one of many days of an independent film!

Peace to you all!!!

1 comment:

Herr Vogler said...

I'm hoping they eventually release Elfman's Serenada. I read about it earlier this year when the American Composers Orchestra gave the premiere. It sounds pretty awesome!