in the past three weeks i have had 5 vocal/choir performances. now my voice is on hiatus. they were all fun. then i had a week of finals followed by a string quartet reading of my composition from last term. it was read by a student quartet who hadn't had any opportunity to look at it before hand. so unfortunately it wasn't of the highest quality. although i'd rather have a poor reading as opposed to no reading at all.
then after finals week, Ruth and i went to the coast for the weekend to get a nice break from...whatever. it rained the first couple days and then the sun finally came out on Sunday morning. quite a wonderful end to the weekend.
so now i'm at home at the beginning of the spring break week. already i've finished a song that means nothing...and everything. soon i will finish the final cues to 1 in 9.
i don't know what else.
It could be worse you know.
You could have a String Quartet performance by an ensemble of half grads/half undergrads (from a school that prides itself on having one of the best collegiate orchestras in the nation - hence, good string players) that had 6 weeks to look it over and rehearse and still sound like ass and do it all in front of your friends, family and the entire composition faculty.
Does something taste bitter...WHAT IS THAT?!?! It tastes so bitter!!!!!
DAMM!!! I's gots to gits me a good perfo-mance of dat sometime, yo!
Yeah, somebody is bitter.
I heard it, too, though and the performance was most decidedly ungood.
[enters, conjured by a single word]
Did somebody say bitter? Oh, hey guys, what's goin' on.
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