I see the whale, and the waves keep coming. DAMN THIS PEG-LEG!

Friday, March 10, 2006

facists annonymous

Good news. the satellite Nasa sent to Mars made it sucessfully. it made me think of this question.

if the citizens of earth met extra terrestrials would we change the names of planets, stars, galaxies, etc...to match those of the aliens...or would we make them change?

also, welcome to kevin h-b


Herr Vogler said...

It seems to me that the only logical thing to do is continue with the names we know for them but also (say in a parenthetical expression) notate the alien species' name for it.

Mikey the Pikey said...

The real question is, would our universal translators translate what the aliens said as what we know said stellar bodies to be and vice versa? Hmm??? Think about it...if they call Jupiter Bleebox, will it still translate as "Jupiter" when we hear it in English?!

And really, this is our solar system, anything within the confines of the Oort cloud should be called whatever we designate it. When we go visit them, we'll call their shit by their name.

You know, now that I think about it, we seem to have the same problem in this country with Mexicans (hello, Earth to Pedro, I'm not going to live in your hole of a country and not speak the language - so learn some fucking English already!)...go fig!